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Jigsaw Puzzle

Learn about the Malayan Sun Bears by reading the theme descriptions and completing various jigsaw puzzles available below!

Theme: The Diet of Sun Bears

Sun bears are omnivores. They are very reliant upon the consumption of bees and honey. Insects make up a large part of their diet, and they commonly feed on termite, insect larvae, and ants. Fruits and nuts also make up a portion of some meals, and they are particularly fond of figs (a flowering plant). In some areas, fruits make up nearly half of the bears' diet. When given the opportunity, they will also prey on birds, turtles, other reptiles, eggs, and deer.

Difficulty level: Beginner (40 puzzle pieces)

Difficulty level: Intermediate (60 puzzle pieces)

Difficulty level: Expert (77 puzzle pieces)

Theme: Key Features of Sun Bears

“Sun” Bear – These bears don’t get their name because they love to work on their tans. Nor are they called sun bears because of their sunny disposition. Instead, their name comes from the crescent-shaped markings on their chests, which are commonly yellowish in color. The marks bear a slight resemblance to a rising sun.

Sir Slurps-a-Lot - Why do these small bears have such long tongues? Long tongues are particularly useful when you are trying to reach a nest of larvae deep down in a rotting log, or when you are trying to clean every bit of honey out of a honeycomb.

Lovebirds – Amorous sun bears do some odd behaviors when they’re feeling the love. When a pair of bears are trying to figure out if they’re compatible they will go through a number of courtship rituals. Some of the behaviors two lovebirds (or love-bears) will do are hugging, bobbing their heads, and play-fighting with one another.

Difficulty level: Beginner (35 puzzle pieces)

Difficulty level: Intermediate (54 puzzle pieces)

Difficulty level: Expert (77 puzzle pieces)

Theme: The Habitat of Sun Bears

This bear species relies heavily upon the insects that they feed on. Some habitats have more prolific populations of bees and other prey than others. Their primary habitat is tropical rainforest for this reason. Deforestation has caused their prime habitats to be patchy and distant from one another, so the bears have spread into tropical evergreen forests as well. Sun bears have occupied the Southeast Asia mainland since the Middle Pleistocene and have a current known range in India, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Southern China, and Malaysia. 

Difficulty level: Beginner (36 puzzle pieces)

Difficulty level: Intermediate (60 puzzle pieces)

Difficulty level: Expert (70 puzzle pieces)

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